Sunday, April 25, 2004
I remember that my great-grandparents used hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash.
I remember having impetigo for school picture day in third grade. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a virus that gives you an open, oozing sore near your nose or mouth. Mine was at the corner of my mouth, about the size of a dime, and boy was it lovely in the picture!
I remember seeing "Camelot" in Chicago with Richard Burton. I was about 9, so I was too young to really appreciate the musical, but I was very impressed with the archetecture of the theater and the art work on the ceilings.
I remember the couple years that my aunt didn't speak to my grandparents because she had "remembered" something horrible that they had done to her as a child. Then after a couple years of not speaking, my aunt decided that the shrink that she was seeing helped her to invent that memory, and she made up with my grandparents. That was when I really knew that there was a "crazy gene" in my family, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be the one to inherit it in my generation! (For the record, I wasn't!)
I remember the time my mom stepped down our front step and her trick knee gave out. She just crumpled to the ground, and I wasn't really sure what to do (I was probably 7 or 8.)
I remember hating after-lunch recess in junior high, because it wasn't really "recess" so much as "talking with your friends while standing outside on asphalt."
Friday, April 09, 2004
I remember having $75 in my savings account when I was about 10, and thinking, "Wow, I REALLY have a lot of money!"
I remember having a crush on Alex P. Keaton.
I remember working at my Dad's office when I was 15 and really enjoying all the organizational tasks they gave me.