
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I remember Devil, my grandparents' rat terrier dog that my Grandma treated like her child. Devil died when I was in junior high, and two more identical dogs have followed in Devil's footsteps. Tasha didn't live too long, and my grandma got Molly right after Tasha died. I think this was when I was in college, because I always forget and call Molly "Tasha". Then I always sit there and wonder why the dog is still barking at me and giving me dirty looks...until I realize I'm calling it the wrong name. :)
I remember a Christmas when my parents were particularly strapped for cash. A night or two before Christmas, my dad spent the entire evening in the garage and we could hear the tools going. Christmas morning my sister and I were each given a wooden dollhouse, made by Dad, and my mom was ready with all sorts of material and paper scraps to help us put "wallpaper" and "carpet" in it to decorate.

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