
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I remember when Jason and I got engaged, we asked all of our parents to meet us for dinner one Saturday night so we could announce it to everyone at the same time. My Dad showed up with a bottle of champagne, and I asked him how he knew he was there to celebrate something. He said, "I figured either you would tell us you are engaged and we'd all have a toast, or you'd tell us you are pregnant and I'd drink the whole bottle myself!"

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I remember trying to come up with a plan to meet Jason (who is now my husband). I had only met him one quick time, enough to say hi and that's it. But a year later, I actually noticed him. And wanted him to ask me out. Since we had no friends in common, I called up the radio show he helped host on our college station, and dedicated a song to him. I called with the intention of dedicating "Desperado" (corny, I know), but his friend and fellow DJ said they didn't have any Eagles. I figured they had to have U2, so I went with "Who's Going to Ride Your Wild Horses." I was just naive enough to not immediately realize the impression that song title might leave with him. His friend put it on the air with the comment that "Monte wants to know who is going to ride his wild horse!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I remember sleeping over at Jason's dorm room quite a bit our Sophomore year. His roommate Slobe, would always be out of bed and showered well before we even got up. When I was very lucky, he would come back from the shower, leap onto the table in the middle of their room and start to give us a strip-tease. (There was never much actual stripping involved.) The best table dance he ever did was the time he actually broke the octagonal marble top of this table, which I am greatly thankful for, considering this tacky piece of furniture would probably still be in my house if it was in one-piece!
I remember walking into the teacher's lounge one day when I was a student teacher. Or trying, anyway. As I approached the door, an old lady teacher stepped in front of it and said, "Honey, you can't go in there!" And I was like, "Well, I'm a student teacher...." She looked me up and down and let me pass. At the time I was 21, and if I had been teaching at a high school, I wouldn't have thought anything of it...but the oldest students at this junior high were only 14!
I remember camping with my dad and a bunch of other dads & daughters that were in our Indian Princess group. One morning I woke up before all the other kids, and only my dad was up, making pancakes on a camping stove outside the cabin. Nothing extraordinary happened that morning, but it's just a nice memory.
I remember the wold boys that lived behind us when I was a kid. One time they told us that their cat had kittens, and while swinging one of them around in circles by its tail, the tail came off and the kitten went flying. I never confirmed the story with their mom, but I'm still hoping that they were just trying to get to me, since I used to be such an intense cat lover.
I remember being at Monicals with some classmates...maybe in 4th grade? I think we must have been on a field trip. Anyway, one of the other girls, and I'm pretty sure it was Gina, informed us that the tomatoes in restaurant salads were always "rancid". At the time, I'm not sure I knew what that was, but I knew it wasn't good. And I've always eaten around raw tomatoes in restaurant salads ever since. (This memory brought to you by my husband, who at Monicals this past weekend told me that the tomatoes looked disgusting.)

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