Friday, July 27, 2007
I remember the first time I drove myself over to the new Bradley library branch to return books. I opened the door to the book drop and threw my books in....then I turned around and saw the actual book drop. I had thrown my library books in the garbage can outside the library. I spent a few minutes inspecting the large metal one-piece trash can to see if I could get them back out. Once I decided that was impossible, I went home to ask my mom for help. I think we just ended up calling the library when it opened the next morning to tell them what had happened. How embarassing!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I remember going to a photographer when I was about 3 years old. I think his name was "Uncle" something...maybe "Uncle Andy"? Anyway, I thought he was a lot of fun because he just sat with me and showed me a bunch of toys and played with me. I'm not sure I even knew at the time that he was taking pictures. As an adult, those are my favorite pictures of little me.
I remember stealing my dad's cigarettes when I was 16 or 17 years old. Whenever I saw a pack, I'd steal a few and throw them away. When I was feeling very bold, I'd dispose of the whole pack. I also left him notes in his ashtray and rolled up in his cigarette packs. I don't remember exactly what they said, but I'm sure it was along the lines of "You're gonna die from this!"
I remember learning how to play Cribbage from my Great-Grandma Bebe.
I remember watching "Who's the Boss?" and thinking that Tony Danza's character reminded me of my dad. Not just because of their physical appearance, but also because of their personalities (well, minus the fact that Tony Danza played a housekeeper...I don't know if I ever saw my dad do any housekeeping.)